Πέμπτη 6 Ιανουαρίου 2011

Hello, Again!

I didn't progress much on my game and I definitly didn't work on it full time, but at least I have lots of good reasons for it. First of all I studied quite a lot for the national competition in informatics here, CodeCup took some of my time and so did GetACoder.com.

Anyway let's talk (I mean, I'll write, you'll be reading. Sorry but that's how it works.) about youtube. Wow! How many times have you seen the same type of comments on different videos from different users lately?
"{number of dislikes} people are idiots!"
"{number of dislikes} people are {something bad related to the video, ex. "think the internet is tubes"}"
"{something said 504*10^278 times already} THUMBS UP IF YOU AGREE!"
"Thumbs up if you think this is better than justin bieber!"
"Mum, I'm gonna kill {number of dislikes} people with {number of likes} people" classic act.

What a bunch of uncreative, thumbs-up maniacs. Obviously, the thumbs up system is the root cause of all the copy & pasting in the comments section. I wonder what the people behind this system, the people at Google are thinking. What did they expect from a comment thumbs up system? :O

On the other hand, how much creativness can you expect from a youtube video's comments? And nobody pressures me to read the comments... anyway, maybe I should worry about my own creativity and productivity.

As for the boring subject today, it's a blog. Read by nobody, but still, it's a blog.

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